Bootstrapping USDT and USDC liquidity on Dexter with Persistence Community Owned Liquidity (PCOL)

Thank you for sharing such valuable points @Rebel_Defi

What amount would you suggest?

You can read more about the proposed changes discussion we had on the Forum earlier this year.

Considering the example of Osmosis here, the swap fee on Stable CL pools is ~0.01%. I think that it is imperative for Dexter to remain competitive in this scenario, especially if it is to bootstrap deep stablecoin liquidity and facilitate high volume trades.

This seems very interesting. Is there any other protocol doing something similar? Just thinking out loud here, but inflation can also be used for Incentivization across the board for the Persistence Ecosystem (and not just LPing on Dexter). What portion of inflation would you allocate to such a module?

Another interesting point. What do you think of incentivizing with liquid staked XPRT (if/whenever that is launched)? Could it potentially solve the problem you foresee if there are enough use cases?