Liquid stake using LSM for staked atom isnt working

hey , so in the final process before getting my stkatom , im getting this error
“Broadcasting transaction failed with code 4 (codespace: sdk). Log: signature verification failed; please verify account number (57432), sequence (7) and chain-id (core-1): unauthorized”
i tried to do other transactions, increase/decrease the gas, waited a few hours and still keep getting this error, with my staked atom missing!

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Hey @sams97

Were you trying you use a ledger to perform this txn? In that case, there is an issue with all ledger transactions on pSTAKE currently.

However, we’re already identified the solution and are in the process of implementing it. The fix involves updating the ledger module to be compatible with the latest version of the pSTAKE module.

This will be done with a Persistence chain upgrade on Thursday, 21 Sep 2023.

Appreciate your patience here!

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