Unable to unstake stkxprt

unstake fails for stkXPRT


Do note the error message. It looks like the validator you are staking with is not active anymore.

During creation of a validator node the operator defines the minimum self-bond at an amount X.
When the self-bond falls below that threshold, the validator is jailed and put in the inactive set.

I guess that if you redelegate to another validator who is in the active set and try again… then you will most likely succeed.

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I have tried everything so far and cannot even redelegate with normal delegations as they were used in validator bond, but this part is stkxprt (liquidstaked)

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Hey @fta1, would request you to transfer your tokens to a new persistence address and then try with the unbounding. Hopefully it will solve the bug.

Also you start with a really small amount to make sure it’s working for you!

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