XPRT token not recognized by Keplr Wallet - are these tokens lost?

Hello everyone,
I migrated all of my XPRT over to a Keplr wallet some time ago. I did a few transactions to eventually move all of my tokens there. I recently attempted to move some tokens from my Keplr wallet to an exchange but it seems the majority of my tokens are not recognized as XPRT by the keplr wallet. This is shown in the photo I have attached and highlighted in red. I tried sending some of these to an exchange but they have seemingly disappeared. My questions is - are these tokens now lost? Is there any way I can recover them/send them to an exchange? Any advice on this would be hugely appreciated. Thanks, Dave

The ones you mark in red seem to be tokenised shares. On wallet.persistence.one you can use the tokenised share tabs to redeem those back to staked XPRT. Hope this helps

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Hello @XPRTDave, you can follow this guide to convert your tokenised XPRT shares to native XPRT.

If the transaction fails, try with higher gas fees and it should work.
Moreover if you want to know the process, you can refer to this doc.

Feel free to let us know if you face any issue. Thanks!

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Great, I will try this. This has been a huge help, thanks for taking the time to help me out, much appreciated mate!

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Thanks for sharing the guide, really appreciate the help here guys. Cheers

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